
Stair lifts fitting in DorsetStairlifts

We can source parts for all the major companies including Stannah, Acorn, Handicare, Brooks and many more, direct from accredited suppliers – keeping costs down and giving you peace of mind with a full manufacturer’s warranty.

Having your stairlift regularly serviced will help keep it in top condition, reducing wear and tear and preventing breakdowns, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune; we can guarantee that our servicing costs will be lower than your current provider.

We do not sell stairlifts; we just offer independent, impartial advice to help you select the right make and model for you or if you prefer, a quote to give an existing stairlift a new lease of life with a thorough overhaul.  

Call us today and we can tailor a quote to meet your exact requirements.

For a free quote call 02382 182103 or visit our contact page.



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24 hour response

We offer a 24 hour emergency breakdown callout service to all our clients, 365 days a year. With our fully integrated tracking system we will be able to tell you exactly when an engineer will be with you. Emergency response when you need it. 07542 71 47 62

Planned Maintenance 

We all know that having a car serviced regularly means less breakdowns and expensive repairs and less time off the road waiting for parts - the same is true for Lifts; regular planned maintenance keeps everything running smoothly.

switch lifts quote

Call us for a quote

We offer servicing, repair and modernisation on all lifts. Call us today and we can tailor a quote to meet your exact requirements.

For a free quote call 02382 182103 or email us at


For a fast, efficient and personal service, choose Switch Lifts. Because we know lifts.

Contact us